Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Currency turns evil - part 1

I shared before money is tighted to gold in an old post.  That was the good side of money, here comes the later part ...

... soon earth is seperated politically into countries.  Some countries grows stronger, 2 particular ones are E and U.  They used their strength to conquer other lands and take possess of the gold there.  More gold means they can print more money.  

However in reality you cann't simply conquer other people's land and take away the gold for no reason.  For example, U claims that country I is violating human's right and therefore U is acting as world police to take over country I in order to instill 'fair' human right policies there.  With that as official reason, U can slowly take over the golds they found behind the curtains.  However, it is still Not Easy to move the gold from I to U because the world is watching.  So instead of taking the gold out from I into U, U hide the gold in I but declare that U has more gold and start printing more money in U currency without devaluation.

So does U really "OWN" the gold to justify the extra currency they printed ?  Yes if they still own the land in I.  But when stories like U's gold in I has been stolen etc. would have cause U currency to drop.  When U finally leave I, U would have claimed that they have already 'transfer' the gold back to the land of U, but ofcourse I would claim that the gold is still in the land of I because I wanted to print more currency too.  As you may guess, the same gold has been used twice to justify printing more money.  While no one actually have seen the actual 'gold' ....  

Hence the value of money is NO Longer tighted to real existence of gold but the impression of having gold ...

.... this is only the history because the world No longer welcome war and would not accept the excuse of world police ... part 2 will show how U become even smarter to print more money without gold at all ...

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

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