Online currency trading is a growing trend in the financial world, and for good reason. It is easy to do and easy to learn, and just about anyone can learn currency trading online. If you are one of the ones who wants to take a crack at it and learn forex currency trading online, then this guide is for you.
Here we will cover the basics of forex and help you learn currency trading online from the comfort of your own home or office.
Learn Currency Trading Online: An Overview
The first thing to cover when you learn forex currency trading online is the basics behind the industry. Like buying and selling stocks, buying and selling currencies is all about getting a currency when it is relatively low in value against another currency and selling it when it appreciates in value.
The units at play here are currencies, and they are traded against each other directly. For example, you will buy or sell, say, U.S. dollars based on the value of the dollar against euros, British pounds, Japanese yen, etc. You do not buy and sell dollars versus every single currency at once, which means you could still profit with one currency even if the dollar does poorly against every other currency out there.
Learn Currency Trading Online: The Exchange Rate
The second concept to master when you learn forex currency trading online is the exchange rate. Think of the exchange rate as a price. If you are trading EUR/USD at an exchange rate of 1.4500, then each euro is worth 1.4500 dollars.
As that exchange rate fluctuates, you have opportunities to make a profit. The ‘buy low, sell high’ principle is valid here. The rate could move up, say, 2 pips, which is 1.4502 (a pip is the number in the fourth decimal spot). You gain a profit of 0.0002 per unit of currency.
Learning how to read exchange rates is a huge concept to master as you learn forex currency trading online.
Learn Currency Trading Online: Financial News
You can’t learn forex currency trading online without learning how to digest relevant information for clues about what trade to make and when to make it. Just as stocks are subject to financial news, so are currencies. In this case, one step to take when you learn currency trading online is to learn how to read an economic calendar.
These help you see what scheduled reports will be released by respective countries. These reports could be anything from unemployment rates to trade balance reports, government decisions, and consumer confidence surveys. Learn which events result in ups or downs in a specific currency so you can start to plan your moves in advance.
Learn Currency Trading Online: The Spread
Finally, a key concept to grasp when you learn forex currency trading online is the spread. The spread is the difference between the bid and ask price (what you sell a currency for and what it costs you to buy a unit , respectively). The spread is how many brokers make money, and the higher the spread, the more difficult it is for you to cover and turn a profit.
When you learn forex currency trading online and pick a broker, try to find one that has low spreads if possible. Or, if you prefer, you can use a broker that charges commissions instead.
There are other concepts to pick up when you learn currency trading online. These are the basics that can help you get started, and can give you a good foundation to learn forex currency trading online in greater detail throughout your trading career.